LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Logging polluting water catchments

DEAR News Of The Area,

I write regarding Michael Kemp MP’s comments in the June 9 Edition of News Of The Area.

Mr Kemp expressed his concern that the NSW Labor Government has failed to protect regional water assets in the Constitution Amendment Bill 2023.

How encouraging to hear our local member discuss the region’s water supply.

“We deserve the protection of our fresh, clean water,” says Mr Kemp.

I heartily agree and have written to both the NSW and Federal Environment Ministers regarding plans on the NSW Forestry Corporation’s Planning Portal.

Currently wide scale clear felling of Newry State Forest is underway with debris silting Picketts Hill Creek which feeds into the Nambucca Water Catchment.

The Kalang Headwaters State Forests are on the portal too, which will result in the polluting of the Kalang, Bellinger and Nambucca Rivers.

Please Mr Kemp, can you influence Forestry Corporation to stop this heartless clear felling of our local forests and potential destruction of the fresh, clean water you say deserves protection?

Suzanne FRASER,

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