Letter to the Editor: Koala situation only part of the forestry issue

THE Member for Oxley Michael Kemp appears to be the National’s new kid on the block when it comes to justifying native forest logging in our coastal forests.

Repeating the same old National Party mantra over and over again doesn’t make it true.

He would do well to read David Lindenmayer’s ‘The Forest Wars’, an expose of what has been going on in Australia’s southern forests.

The koala situation is only part of the issue.

He and his colleagues could also do well to get out in the State Forests with some independent ecologists and see what is really going on.

As long as those on the ground keep seeing the damage and degradation caused by years of current practice including native species loss, forest species conversion, an increase in invasive species, and malpractice by contractors with little accountability, there will be pushback and calls for an end to the industry.

The greater management costs of National Parks vs State Forests is also simply indicative of the difference between active conservation and pretty much leaving the bulk of the forests to their own devices.

You get what you pay for.

Maybe the local members could also spend their energy and time examining the records from the many previous Parliamentary enquiries into the NSW native hardwood industry and put their minds to how we can better fund the plantation estate required to meet future demand, and encourage the development and adaptation of new technologies and practices which might help secure the future of what many would still see as an important industry.

Dave WOOD,
Boambee East.

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