Letter to the Editor: Is driving getting worse?

DEAR News Of The Area,

IS it simply my imagination or is the standard of driving getting increasingly worse?

Why do some drivers indicate right when going straight across a roundabout?

Or worse, indicate right to exit a roundabout!

Barely a day goes by without me seeing this.

Why do so many drivers tailgate when the car in front of them is travelling at the speed limit?

It is frustrating to the driver in front, and even more so at night time with headlights dazzling through the rear view mirror.

Why do some drivers drive around 60kph when heading north on Hogbin Drive (80kph limit), and then drive at 90kph on the same stretch of road when heading south?

Why is there so much anger and impatience when people drive cars?

These same people are (usually) perfectly reasonable when not behind the wheel.

Maybe a refresher online test of the road rules every ‘say’ two years would remind people how to indicate, remind them of the safe gap to leave between themselves and the car in front of them, and finally how to drive courteously.

One last point, why are the ridiculously bright, blinding and often misaligned headlights allowed to be fitted to cars?

Isn’t it time to ban these blinding beacons?

At night time in the rain it is impossible to see anything when a vehicle fitted with these lights (which are fitted as standard by the manufacturers) is approaching from the opposite direction. They’re downright dangerous.


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