Letter to the Editor: Important facts on nuclear

DEAR News Of The Area,

I WOULD like to commend the factual information that Mr Higgs has written into NOTA regarding nuclear power during this year.

His information is relevant and much more than that telegraphed by newspapers and commercial TV stations.

If possible some past and present copies of NOTA could be taken by Meryl Swanson MP and left in the reading areas of Canberra.

Regarding Canberra and the Australian Capital Territory (ACT), if Muswellbrook is a risky area to place a reactor, then why not the ACT?

In fact, why not put in a challenge?

Which system can supply base load power to a regional area or town in the quickest, safest, cheapest, culturally sensitive and environmentally friendly way.

If this can be achieved, then this can be a plan for many regional areas of Australia and develop communities away from the expensive lifestyle of capital cities.

Our Governments are just two sides of a coin and we toss the coin every few years.

One side looks after the greedy and the other side the needy (including all life forms).

So I am wondering how long before we stop worrying about the cost of living and reflect on the cost of surviving.


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