Letter to the Editor: Free camping out of control

DEAR News Of The Area,

NED Cowie’s piece on the problem of free campers (14/2/25) is just the tip of the iceberg in regards to this continual annoyance.

The free camping community already knows that the Nambucca area is not policed in any way, hence why this is now a problem, and the locals are getting sick of it.

Using the Council’s own platform (ANTENNO) to send reports with time and date stamped photos, goes unreplied and not followed up.

Over the holiday period I counted 19 vehicles parked at Shelly Beach, some were there for a week.

If the Council does not have the budget for Rangers to be out there on patrol, then what is their function?

If the Rangers were to do sweeping “drive through” in these areas it might be a deterrent towards the out of hand problem the Nambucca area has.

Michael GLEW,
Nambucca Heads.

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