Letter to the Editor: Facts over fear in Jetty Foreshores debate

DEAR News Of The Area,

AS a candidate for mayor, I’m writing to address the question about multi-storey properties at the Jetty Foreshores that voters will face in the upcoming council elections.

It’s essential that our community understands the bias embedded in this question and how it could mislead voters into halting much-needed progress.

The way this question is framed, along with the supporting information on the Council’s website, is designed to divide our community and encourage a ‘No’ vote.

It implies that multi-storey buildings will be spread across the shoreline, which is simply not true. The proposed developments are limited to a small part of the precinct to the west of Jordan Esplanade, on land that has been inaccessible to the public for years.

These spaces are not about high-rises but are a thoughtful revitalisation of an area that has been neglected.

Community consultation on the original State Government Revised Masterplan in 2022 showed 67 percent of residents support development at the Jetty Foreshores.

This plan is about creating more community and commercial spaces while showcasing the natural beauty of our area and respecting its history.

It’s crucial to note that this is just the beginning, with more rounds of public exhibition and opportunities for further community input and adjustments to come.

We are all sick and tired of waiting.

It’s time for action.

I encourage you to vote yes!

By doing so, you will be choosing progress over delay and positivity over anti-development activism.

You will be voting for a future where the Jetty Foreshores becomes a vibrant, safe, and engaging space for all of Coffs Harbour.

George CECATO,
Coffs Harbour.

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