Letter to the Editor: Does foreshores plan pass the pub test?

DEAR News Of The Area,

QUICK history tour.

In the late 1700s the idea of royalty was being discussed by many, with a view to doing without it.

The French Revolution.

The American Revolution.

The rise of the English Parliament.

An Englishman – Jeremy Bentham – worked with a group over the years to define what a moral, democratic government should look like.

They came up with a simple test of whether an action of any government was good or bad.

This test has come down to us through more than 200 years.

One question.


In answering it you must take into account the present and the future.

It was, and is, the “pub test” of good government.

Simply ask of any proposed government action, does it provide “the greatest good for the greatest number”.

The greatest number of people now and into the future.

What you might ask yourself is this: Does the NSW government’s plan to sell off part of the public’s land at the Jetty Foreshore, for development into multi-storey, private residential units, pass this test?

Of course not, nor would it have passed this simple test at any moment in Australian history.

Coffs Harbour.

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