Letter to the Editor: Councils have significant role to play

DEAR News Of The Area,

SPEAKING with several local friends the other day the subject came up about our local elections and council itself.

It’s hard to defend your council at times when you hear comments about the roads and potholes, about some parks and reserves, and what appears to be top-heavy management or staff.

Even the real workers and managers within that you know are doing their best.

It appears, in my view only, that our elected officers have no real say.

In fact, what are they there for?

Then we have what is to my thinking another government under an extremely high paid GM, and I guess directors or managers as well within.

One must question, is our council overmanaged and focused on what it should be doing?

That to me is the real issue.

I hope you agree.

Councils have a significant role to play…the rubbish we have, the roads and the never-ending potholes, the parks and reserves, local playing fields and community outlets.

One must ask, why are we seeing the political image coming in with political parties or groups, rather than being local non-political people and thinking of the real needs our areas need to be looked after.

One must ask whether residents should pay our rates to have political groups use our council to move into State or Federal political areas.

I think not.

But if our council was managed by people with the one aim of providing the services the local council should provide and not play around as it appears, goodness we may see what we once had, a public service-provider that understands the needs of that area.

Lemon Tree Passage.

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