Letter to the Editor: Council abandons the voice of business

DEAR News Of The Area,

FOR more than 110 years the Coffs Harbour Chamber of Commerce has been ‘The Voice of Business’ in Coffs Harbour.

During that time the Chamber has advocated for the business community without fear or favour.

Successive Councils have recognised the good work done by the Chamber by making nominal contributions to the Chamber’s finances (much like Council does for sporting clubs).

Now, under the leadership of Mayor Paul Amos, City of Coffs Harbour Council has advised for the first time in memory they will not sponsor the Chamber, citing “comments circulated in the media this year and … the level and style of engagement on Committee Meetings and submissions”.

Is this a case of “play it my way or we’re not playing at all”?

It certainly feels like it.

The Chamber has always advocated for truth and accountability in our business relationships, including the one with Council.

We’ve presented the facts (versus the myths) on matters important to business to ensure that the business community is not misinformed.

However, it seems that when we disagreed with Council or called them out, they threatened to (and then did) completely withdraw their support.

On 14 September 2024, the community has a chance to have their say.

Are you comfortable voting for candidates who would use financial pressure to seek to gag those who speak up on matters that are important to Coffs Harbour?

Executive Officer
For and on behalf,
Coffs Harbour Chamber of Commerce.

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