Letter to the Editor: Confusion reigns

DEAR News Of The Area,

REGARDING Gordon Sutcliffe’s letter last week.

The ‘Save the Myall Coast, Save Port Stephens’ local Facebook page presents the facts on the proposed offshore wind farm off the Myall Coast, i.e. off Bennetts Beach.

It is against the proposal in this area as it would be built alongside two marine parks, a Ramsar wetland and in the flightpath of the endangered Gould’s petrel – Australia’s rarest endemic seabird – and in the migration route of whales. Not to mention all the other creatures which live in, breed in, feed in our coastal area.

The group is not against renewables per se but they need to be in appropriate areas.

Gordon has missed this point.

We live in an environmentally protected area and want to keep it that way.

The mission of the Facebook group is in the name ‘save’.

Tea Gardens.

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