Letter to the Editor: Community not pleased with pathway

DEAR News Of The Area,

I REFER to the article in the Port Stephens News Of The Area dated 18/7/2024 which referred to Brandy Hill Drive ‘Shared Pathway Works’.

Just a few words from a very unhappy resident.

I am sure if you actually asked all the residents and not just the Mayor, on their views, you would get a better idea of how they feel about a pathway that goes nowhere.

Also speak to those who will be losing some of their property through compulsory acquisition so the pathway can be constructed and receiving very little compensation.

No problem with proper bus stops.

One of the long outstanding problems is the actual road itself, it has needed upgrading for many years and numerous requests have, how can I put it, been ignored, with only an email acknowledging receipt from Council.

Brandy Hill.

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