Letter to the Editor: Community at 3 funding rejection a ‘slap in the face’

DEAR News Of The Area,

SITTING comfortably watching the Olympics it’s easy to forget the need of those without shelter trying to survive as the rain and wild winds batter the canvas or car that may provide their only protection.

Single parents huddled with children bewildered by the way the ‘lucky country’ has turned them out to face the elements.

Community at 3 can be proud of the heartfelt effort to provide comfort to those in the area facing the horrors of homelessness or domestic violence.

To have their request for some financial help turned down by a State Government that maintains they are doing all they can to rectify this crisis is a slap in the face for those who are actually doing something about it.

The premises available would give temporary respite and safety for the increasing number being savaged by poverty, at a time when big companies and corporations are posting record profits and congratulating themselves on their prowess.

The groundswell of discontent will only gain more momentum if the practical incentives of Community at 3 are rejected and pushed aside.

For a government that maintains it is tackling this problem I find this rejection hypocritical and heartless in the extreme and a sure way to lose the votes of a community that has heart and a will to make a difference.

Yours faithfully,
Daryl DAVIS,
Camden Haven.

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