Letter to the Editor: Commitment to respectful campaign

DEAR News Of The Area,

AS a fellow candidate for the seat of Cowper, I fully support the call from independent candidate, Caz Heise for a respectful, constructive campaign.

That respect must start with some positive leadership from all candidates and senior members of our campaign teams.

We need to constantly promote the message that despite our often passionate disagreements, candidates and volunteers are freely giving their time because they believe in our democratic system of government and want to make Australia a better place.

As candidates, we need to model the sort of behaviour we want to see from volunteers and we need to have the courage to call out those instances where the behaviour of our volunteers falls short of that standard.

Every time a voter hears raised voices or partisan name calling they become more disillusioned by the electoral process.

Every time they see hostile body language or bullying they either become more disengaged or they feel it is OK for them to join in.

That damages and diminishes all of us.

I am prepared to commit to a respectful, constructive campaign and I would like to invite all other candidates to join me.

In the end, it would be a win for us, our volunteers and every voter.

How about it?

Labor Candidate for Cowper.

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