Letter to the Editor: Coffs Harbour’s beautification

DEAR News Of The Area,

COMMUNITY members concerned about the appearance of Coffs Harbour will be pleased to hear that Transport for NSW (TfNSW) have advised that repainting of the northern entrance sound walls is scheduled for completion this month of July.

Regarding highway vegetation maintenance, this seems to boil down to State Government cost shifting.

TfNSW and Council have a maintenance agreement however, according to my understanding, TfNSW have declined to ‘index’ an annual grant to cover inflation or risks such as worker health and safety.

I have been working with executive staff to resolve these maintenance issues and wish to acknowledge Ms Williams for raising the issue in her recent letter (NOTA 5 July 2024).

However, if our State MP can offer his support for finding a solution, then it’s possible a genuine collaboration between Local and State Government would assist in the City’s beautification.

I’m looking forward to the sound walls being cleaned up and would like to thank the infrastructure directorate for lobbying TfNSW on behalf of the Coffs Harbour community.

Cr Jonathan CASSELL,
City of Coffs Harbour.

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