Lemon Tree Passage couple shares story of travel while coronavirus hit

Judy and Geoff Camm; a ‘different ‘ outback experience.


WHAT was planned as an outback adventure of a lifetime, turned out very differently for Port Stephens residents Judy and Geoff Camm.

The Lemon Tree Passage couple intended to weave their way down through Victoria, then across the Nullarbor, up to Broome, and back home across the top.

It didn’t work out that way as Geoff explained.

“The pandemic crisis hit while we were visiting my mother in Victoria,” he said,

“Troubles began when we drove to the Western Australian border.”

My Camm said, “It was here that we were issued with a two and a half day permit to cross the Nullarbor.”

“We planned to stay with my son for two weeks on his farm but this turned out to be a five week stint because of the internal lockdown requirements.”

“We were able to put this time to good use repairing his machinery and laying down a year or two’s supply of firewood,” he said.

“We gave away the idea of going north and headed back across the Nullarbor. So strict were the travel restrictions, we saw just three cars during the 1300 km trip. We camped out as the caravan parks were closed,” My Camm said.

“It wasn’t the way we planned things but it turned out to be something of an adventure for us,” he concluded.

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