Laurieton Rotary Club supporting community with biannual book sale

Jenny Peters and Graeme Blackett of the Laurieton Rotary Club manning the sales desk.

MANNING the sales desk on Sunday 14 July for the biannual Rotary Club of Laurieton book sale were dedicated local volunteers Graeme Blackett and Jenny Peters.

This long-standing event, which first began in Laurieton over 20 years ago, relies solely on book donations in order to take place.

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Mr Blackett expressed gratitude for the overwhelming support received from the community.

“The book sale is one of our biggest fundraisers and we have been well supported by the local community,” he said.

“We run three major fundraisers throughout the year – book sales, our recycling project and the ‘200 Club’.”

The primary objective of the Rotary book sale is to support a wide range of community initiatives, both locally and internationally.

The club’s board decides how to allocate funds based on current priorities.

At home, the club supports initiatives such as breakfast programs in local schools and providing essential items like baby bundles to those in need.

On an international level, the club provides ‘ShelterBoxes’ to countries affected by natural disasters and contributes to the installation of toilets in Nepal for female students to be able to attend school.

Jenny Peters shared her passion for involvement in Rotary, highlighting the rewarding experience of volunteering at a community level.

“I love being part of the Laurieton Rotary group,” she said.

“It is a great activity and we would love to see more members.”

The Rotary Club of Laurieton was chartered in January 1966.

It holds weekly meetings to foster camaraderie and plan upcoming activities.

The Rotary board meets monthly to oversee strategic decisions and resource allocations.

The Club is always seeking new members who like having fun, are eager to contribute to meaningful causes, and enjoy making a difference to the lives of others, both locally and internationally.


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