Launch of Bowraville Murders documentary at the Nambucca Cinema postponed

Evelyn Greeup’s mum Rebecca and Aunty Michelle Jarrett. Photo: supplied.


SEPTEMBER 13 marks 31 years since the Nambucca Valley community was devastated by the murders of three young Bowraville children; Colleen Walker-Craig, Evelyn Greenup and Clinton Speedy-Duroux.

Now, more than three decades later, the murders of these three innocent children remain unsolved.

This year, film producers Stefan Moore, Dan Goldberg and Director Allan Clarke have brought the unsolved murders back to the forefront of every Australian’s mind with their new documentary ‘The Bowraville Murders’.

This isn’t the first time Stefan Moore has worked with the family members of the murdered local children.

“Stefan had produced the Four Corners – ‘Bowraville: Unfinished business’ in 2011’,” Evelyn Greenup’s Aunty Michelle Jarrett told News Of The Area.

“He approached us again and as we knew him and he did such a great job with that, we were very pleased to work with him again.

“We trusted him,” Ms Jarrett said.

When asked if she feels this documentary will help bring a resolution to the murders, Ms Jarrett said, “That is what we are hoping for, to keep the story out there and reach a broader audience.

“For Evelyn’s and Clinton’s family, we have gone as far as we can with the NSW Justice System, but we aren’t going to give up.

“We also need to bring Colleen home and get justice for all three kids,” she added.

The documentary has added to the pain of wounds that have never healed for these family members.

“We have been reliving this nightmare for thirty one years,“ Michelle said.

“You wake with the kids in your mind, what can we do today, who can we approach for support?

“Wondering how the families are coping.

“Remembering anniversaries for different significant dates, the court dates and the appeals being rejected.

“We haven’t stopped living this.

“Every day these three kids will not be coming home to their families.

“There is forever a hole in our hearts, an emptiness that can’t be filled.”

When asked if this documentary may start to help in the healing process for the families, Michelle replied, “No.

Doesn’t even come close.

“All three families have had to deal with more than any other New South Wales citizen, victims or family have ever had to deal with just to get justice or a loved one.

“Not only have we had to deal with the death and loss of a loved one but we have also had to deal with racism.

“Being disrespected and disregarded and looked at as suspects.

“Due process was not afforded to these kids.

“It wasn’t until Gary Jubelin and his team came in 1997 did people start believing us.

“That was seven years after the murders.”

It has been a heartbreaking journey for these families.

“We have had to cry, scream, march and beg for everything and still we have no answers,” Michelle stated.

“No Justice.

“No Colleen.

“No. This documentary will not help in the healing process for us,” she said sadly.

With this documentary being five years in the making, the launch date was set for August 29 but Covid restrictions threw a spanner in the works.

The film was set to be screened in the Nambucca Cinema but unfortunately with Covid lockdown it wasn’t screened in any theatre in New South Wales and only in selected cinemas in Queensland.

A new date has been set for October 1 in order to give this documentary the launch it deserves.

Michelle would like to stress, “If anyone has any information please contact crime stoppers.”

“Please keep saying Colleen’s, Evelyn’s and Clinton’s names until we get justice and Colleen is found.”

There is a one million dollar reward for information leading to a conviction.




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