Land parcel at Deervale returned to Aboriginal community

THE NSW Government has granted an Aboriginal land claim that will see a parcel of land at Deervale, west of Dorrigo, returned to the local Aboriginal community.

The Dorrigo Plateau Aboriginal Land Council will take ownership of the 2.23-hectare parcel of land located in the small village.

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The site in the Coffs Coast hinterland is predominately open grassland.

It will be returned to the Dorrigo Plateau Aboriginal Land Council, who will work with the local Aboriginal community and Bellingen Shire Council to determine future use of the site.

Dorrigo Plateau Aboriginal Land Council CEO Cathy Thomas said the local Aboriginal community was thrilled that the parcel of land was being returned to the local community.

“Our community is really excited that this land is being returned to us, ensuring its care and protection will be maintained for future generations,” Ms Thomas said.

“While we are still determining exactly how we will use this land into the future, it is critically important that we have access to country, so we can protect traditional resources and foster our deep connection to this place.”

She said under the Aboriginal Land Rights Act 1983, the Federal Court must now determine whether there were any existing native title restrictions, before the land could be used freehold.

Ms Thomas said there were several pending Aboriginal land claims in the Deervale area.

“It is a culturally significant country; the whole area is really important,” she said.

“It was a meeting ground between coastal and western peoples.

“There are also a number of birthing sites, and a lot of the old travelling stock routes are effectively song lines, used through knowledge of country by Indigenous stockmen.”

She paid tribute to NSW Crown Lands, which is responsible for assessing Aboriginal land claims in the State.

“This shows what goodwill and collaboration can achieve when you work together,” Ms Thomas said.

NSW Minister for Lands and Property, Steve Kamper, said returning land to local Aboriginal land councils helped support social, economic and cultural outcomes for Aboriginal communities.

“This beautiful plot of land in Deer Vale will now be returned to the local Aboriginal people, who will care and protect it for generations to come,” Mr Kamper said.

“This is another example of how positive community outcomes can be delivered through the realisation of Aboriginal land rights.”

Under the Aboriginal Land Rights Act 1983, the NSW Aboriginal Land Council and local Aboriginal land councils have a right to lodge land claims on Crown land.

Land claims must then be assessed against non-discretionary statutory criteria in the Act, including whether the land was lawfully used or occupied at the time of the claim, or was needed for an essential public purpose.

The Act recognises the impact of past government decisions that resulted in the amount of land set aside for Aboriginal people progressively being reduced without compensation. It is a system by which some unused Crown land can be returned to Aboriginal ownership.

By Mike HELY

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