Labor’s Tony Judges launches election campaign

Labor candidate for Coffs Harbour Tony Judge with Penny Sharpe, Shadow Minister for the Environment and Mick Veitch, Shadow Minister for Agriculture.

SHADOW Environment Minister Penny Sharpe and Shadow Agriculture Minister Mick Veitch were in Coffs Harbour on Sunday 26 February to officially launch the election campaign for Labor’s State candidate Tony Judge.

The launch, at Coffs Harbour Surf Club, was attended by party faithful, community leaders and friends of the candidate.

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There was a strong feeling of optimism among those who attended that Coffs Harbour is ready for a change and momentum is building.

Mr Veitch described Mr Judge as “constructive and considered” and noted his commitment to serve the community “day in, day out”.

He said Mr Judge would be an outstanding contributor if he is given the chance to represent his community in the NSW Parliament.

“People in this community know he listens, he speaks up for them, but they also know they can trust him to always do the right thing,” Ms Sharpe said.

At the launch, Mr Judge highlighted the key issues he believes are currently facing Coffs Harbour.

“Homelessness is at record levels, social housing waiting times for all sorts of dwellings is over ten years and the rental vacancy rate is at a record low.”

He noted that homeless hub Pete’s Place “was seeing nine people a day just five years ago, now it is seeing 90”.

“Coffs is now missing out on recruiting nurses and teachers because it is so difficult to find a place to live,” Mr Judge said.

“Nurses are working eighteen hour shifts just to prop up the hospital.

“They are burning out and leaving the profession because they cannot provide the level of care that patients deserve.

“At the end of an eighteen hour shift a nurse’s capacity is affected in the same way as it would be if they had a blood alcohol level of 0.05 percent, yet they are dispensing medication and providing critical care,” he said.

Mr Judge was supported at the launch by a group of Coffs Harbour nurses and midwives.

“Tony has a deep commitment to this community,” NSW Nurses and Midwives Vice President and Councillor Sue White said.

“Over the last five years he has attended every one of our rallies and spoken in support of us.

“He doesn’t just do the media, he stays for the whole rally to listen and better understand our concerns.

“He also takes on the tough issues like housing and homelessness.

“I wholly commend Tony to become our local member.”

Mr Judge also highlighted the crisis in teacher numbers.

“Teachers are also leaving in droves due to unsustainable workload and uncompetitive salary.

“Last year there were schools where over 1,500 classes were left unsupervised.

“That is denying our children the opportunities that education provides for a good start in life.

“Teachers need real action on reducing their admin workload and sensibly increasing their pay.”

Mr Judge also spoke of the pressing need for the Great Koala National Park, which was announced by Labor last month.

“At the start of the current government’s term, koalas were classed as not vulnerable.

“Over twelve years they have been reclassified as vulnerable and finally, endangered.

“Without initiatives such as the Great Koala National Park, they will be extinct in the wild in NSW by 2050.”

Mr Judge urged those attending the launch to put in a huge effort for the remaining weeks of the campaign, saying, “I believe that Labor Governments give people better lives and I believe we can win this seat.

“Labor has positive plans to ease the housing crisis, provide safe staffing levels for nurses and stop the exodus of teachers.

“We will start work on the Great Koala National Park and bring back manufacturing to NSW, but we need to start now.
“New South Wales cannot afford another four years with the same policies and the same government.”

When asked about his plans for the remainder of the campaign, Mr Judge had four words.

“Eat, sleep, campaign, repeat.”


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