Labor candidate for Lyne announces plans for Climate Action


ALEX Simpson, the Federal Labor candidate for the Lyne electorate and a renewable energy scientist, has outlined Labor’s energy policy and the job creation he believes will accompany it.

“Reports from the International Panel on Climate Change make it clear we must act now,” Mr Simpson said.

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“Labor’s emissions targets meet the best possible outcomes outlined in that report, with power bills, massive job creation, and stronger local manufacturing set to power the Australian economy for decades to come.

“As serious as the climate problem is, never have we had as great an opportunity to solve it; scientists like those I’ve worked alongside have been working hard to improve our energy technologies, allowing us to reach for a low-emissions future,” Mr Simpson continued.

Mr Simpson says that Labor’s plan has the support of the National Farmers’ Federation, the Business Council of Australia, the Australian Chamber of Commerce, and the Australian Industry Group.

‘We need a fit-for-purpose power grid.

“Once complete, Snowy 2.0 will have to wait for the power grid to be able to accommodate it.

“We also need to cater for people who can’t afford solar panels- their electricity bills continue to rise, forcing those who can afford less to pay more,” Mr Simpson said.

In line with the party’s state and national plans, Labor believes that there is a solution to both issues, investing $20 billion for an urgently needed upgrade to the national power grid, and $100 million for community solar power stations.

The plan commits a further $200 million to provide communities with local batteries, giving residents an opportunity to buy and sell energy among their community, and driving down electricity bills.

The proposed projects will create 600,000 jobs, with five out of six in regional NSW.

Based on detailed modelling by Reputex, a leading company in the energy field, it is alleged that household power bills will be cut by $275 a year by 2025 under this plan.

“Lower electricity bills will be the fuel of our manufacturing sector and will drive Labor’s A Future Made in Australia plan, committed to bringing manufacturing home,” Mr Simpson said.

Climate Change has become a large point of contention in the past weeks, with the Federal Court of Australia ruling that the Australian Government does not owe children protection from the harm caused by climate change.

This ruling was made just weeks ago after Environment Minister Sussan Ley requested an appeal, which reversed a decision that legally recognised she had a duty of care.

Following a number of protests by school students in Australia in late March, Prime Minister Scott Morrison said that his government had “taken the challenge of climate change seriously” and encouraged young people to take a keen interest in the issue.

“I encourage them, by all means, express your view, it’s a great democracy, and I have no issue with that,” he told reporters.

“We’ve committed to net zero by 2050 with a $21 billion plan, which is being rolled out now.

“It’s not enough for Australia just to reduce our emissions by 20 per cent, as we already have done.

“It’s not enough for Australia to achieve net zero by 2050.

“The whole world has to,” Mr Morrison said.



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