ON 7 September 1997, Jean Hicks, Paul Searle, Dorothy Knight, Brian Myles and Tony Comyn completed a forest circuit on the slopes of Mt Yarrahapinni, the first under the banner of the ‘Kyeewa Bushwalkers’.
Today, Kyeewa Bushwalkers conduct two walks a week and a campout each month.
Over the 25 years hundreds of people have bushwalked and camped, under the Kyeewa banner, in the beautiful National Parks and State Forests of the Mid North Coast and beyond.
Most Kyeewa bushwalkers live in the shires of Nambucca, Bellingen and Coffs Harbour.
Walks are graded as easy, medium and hard.
Kyeewa has conducted multi-stage walks of interest.
For example they have followed the path of surveyor Clement Hodgkinson (fourteen stages from Frederickton to Bellingen), from the ‘Beer with no Pub’ in Ebor to the ‘Pub with no Beer’ in Taylors Arm (nine stages) and from Dorrigo to Nambucca Heads (ten stages).
Kyeewa bushwalkers have walked in places such as Lord Howe Island, the Warrumbungle National Park in NSW, the Grampians in Victoria, Mutawintji National Park in western NSW, Maria Island, The Three Capes and Lake St Clair in Tasmania, Hinchinbrook Island in Queensland, across the Nullarbor through South Australia to Western Australia, and the Cape to Cape walk in Western Australia, to name some.
On Sunday 11 September, Kyeewa celebrates 25 Years with a special get together at the Bellingen Showground for present and past Kyeewa walkers.
If interested in attending (the function is being catered for at $25 per person), or to find out more about walking with Kyeewa, please contact Pete by email at kyeewa@gmail.com.