Kindy cohort joins St Joseph’s family

Willow likes the St Joseph’s playground.

St JOSEPH’S Primary School (SJPS) Laurieton welcomed 27 clever and curious Kindergarten students on Thursday, 7 February.

They joined more than 60,000 Kindergarten students making their way to the classroom for the first time, where teachers, buddies and friendly faces were ready to welcome them.

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This important milestone event is often filled with excitement, anticipation and sometimes even a few tears.

There are new uniforms, friends to meet and experiences which will ultimately shape their future.

The 2025 St Joseph’s Kindergarten intake is slightly larger than in previous years, reflecting current statewide trends.

“Transitioning to ‘big school’ is an exciting time for our teachers, students and their parents,” said Principal Rick Galvin.

“It involves adjusting to changes and new routines and I am extremely pleased with how quickly our Kindergarten students have settled in.

“Last year our 2025 Kindergarten cohort took part in our Joey Junior Transition program which has helped this process significantly.

“We have also had the support of our parents and this has been extremely helpful.”

Last Monday, Kindergarten students were introduced to their Year 6 Buddies for the first time.

“During the next few weeks they (the buddies) will join them in the classroom as well as at recess and lunchtime, providing our newest students with an extra layer of support.”

In between finding their classrooms, morning goodbyes, and handball games, several students took the time to share their thoughts with News Of The Area.

“The best thing about big school is the park (code for playground),” five-year-old Willow happily shared.

After an extra cuddle from his baby brother Enzo, Ezra declared his buddy to be the best thing about Kindergarten.

Ezra’s mum, Monica, said while Ezra had no tears on the first day, she had lots.


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