Kimberley rock art the focus of ADFAS talk

Dr June Ross will be talking about the Kimberley rock art in north-western Australia for the final ADFAS for 2023.

COMING home, the Australian Decorative Fine Arts Society (ADFAS) final presentation for 2023 is set in Australia.

On Monday 20 November, at The National Cartoon Gallery, guest lecturer Dr June Ross will be talking about the Kimberley rock art in north-western Australia.

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Internationally acknowledged for its beauty and scope, many theories have been proposed to explain the content and stylistic changes evident in the art.

Some theories about this rock art are far flung and have seemingly been plucked from the air and others based on decades of data collection.

June’s talk focuses on explanations for the stylistic changes evident in Kimberley rock art and the roles art played in mediating the dynamic social and environmental changes faced by past Aboriginal societies.

As Adjunct Professor of Archaeology at the University of New England (UNE), her area of expertise covers rock art, arid zone archaeology and Australian Aboriginal art.

She has researched and written in depth about this very old and distinctive Kimberley rock art.

After completing a degree in Aboriginal Studies and Archaeology at UNE, June undertook postgraduate studies focused on rock art in northwest Queensland.

Always drawn to remote areas of Australia, she completed a PhD in Central Australia researching rock art and its role in ritual.

More recently, along with colleagues, June has been Chief Investigator on three Australian Research Council projects with a focus on archaeology and rock art.

In the last two decades she has taught courses at UNE on Rock Art, Art and Society and Australian Archaeology, supervised postgraduate students, produced rock art management and conservation plans for government agencies, and worked closely with Indigenous communities in Central Australia and the New England.

In 2024 ADFAS Coffs Coast is changing its name to ArtsNational Coffs Coast in line with the national organisation.

There’s a taster for next year’s program on


Kimberley rock art is the focus of the ADFAS talk on Monday 20 November.

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