Keys received for new Karuah Rural Fire Station

A happy Captain Dave Feeney with the keys to the new fire station at Karuah.


A VERY happy Captain Dave Feeney has received the keys to the brand new Karuah Rural Fire Brigade Station located in Engel Street.

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The keys to the brand new two-bay facility were handed over by Bert Pipan, Operations Officer, Lower Hunter Fire Control.

Funded by the NSW Government, the $1.1 million dollar station is now operational from 24 July.

It is a significant upgrade from the one-toilet crumbling shed which was prone to flooding.

After local lobbying, including by Port Stephens MP Kate Washington, the development application was lodged in 2016-17 and building commenced the following year.

Captain Feeney commented, “This is the day we have been waiting for. We will transition over the coming weeks and move in with our gear and become operational out of our new station. Thank you to Port Stephens Council and the staff at fire control for your endeavours in building our station.”


By Sandra MURRAY


Fire station crew check out their new digs. Photos provided (Paul Mulvaney).

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