Key section of Beach 2 Beach coastal pathway opens

(L-R) Councillor Adam Roberts, Mayor Peta Pinson, Eire Constructions’ Tadhg Kelliher, Council’s Beach 2 Beach project manager Jack Devenish, pathway committee president Penny Small, Councillor Nick Lipovac, Port Macquarie MP Leslie Williams, committee member Phil King and pathway committee vice president Murray Rutledge.

PEDESTRIANS and cyclists can now access more of the popular Beach 2 Beach shared pathway, with an additional 400 metres of works now added to the 11.2 kilometre stretch between North Haven and Pilot beaches.

Member for Port Macquarie Leslie Williams and Mayor Peta Pinson were on hand to open section ‘D3’ of the pathway on Monday.

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The D3 section received funding of $2,985,464 through the NSW Government’s Get NSW Active Program and was built by Eire Constructions.

“We chose Eire Constructions as they used smaller machines, causing minimal disturbance to the mangrove,” said Port Macquarie-Hastings Council’s Sam Bowers.

Mayor Pinson celebrated the project’s progress.

“I am pleased to see that progress on this important shared pathway project is continuing, thanks to ongoing advocacy from the Beach to Beach shared pathway committee, funding by Council and the NSW Government and construction by local contractors,” Mayor Pinson said.

“This project is such an important one for the Camden Haven community, as it provides a safe and formal walking and cycling connection that was needed in this region.

“It also helps to promote healthy lifestyles by encouraging non-motor vehicle travel.”

Mayor Pinson went on to thank local landowner Steve Southern, who donated a portion of his land to allow the path to proceed through the mangrove.

Member for Port Macquarie Leslie Williams said, “I have been a huge supporter of this wonderful community-driven project and will continue to advocate for further funding to enable the pathway to safely connect the Camden Haven.”

With the D3 section now complete, Council will progress to the next stage of the pathway (D5), which will join the two existing pathways sections along The Boulevard D4 (near the cyclist sculpture) and D6 (between Longworth Rd and The Boat Shed), via a boardwalk over the water.

The D5 section of the footpath will be delivered with $1 million of funding remaining from the NSW Government D3 component, $735,000 from the Australian Government via the Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program, and additional funding from Council.


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