Kew Bowling Club

Barrie and Wendy Isaac, winners of the Club Championship Mixed Pairs.

14th JULY, 2024.

The Final of the Mixed Pairs Championship saw a great display of bowls, in near perfect conditions.

Barrie and Wendy Isaac were too good on the day, against Wayne Thrussell and Sue Hardwicke.

Barrie and Wendy took an early lead and were able to hold off the challenge from Wayne and Sue to take out the match 25-11.

Wednesday Social Bowls saw a fantastic field of 46 bowlers having a great day in the sunshine.

The winners were Bruce Gornall, George Wise and Ian Orr.

The Runners Up were Dave Adamson, Brad “the rabbit” Conway, and Peter Laing.

Voucher winners were Ray Allan, Mick Ashford, Dave Harvey and Dave Wagstaff.

This week’s Jackpot Triples was played Saturday.

The jackpot was shared between two teams.

Rod Quirk, Phil Collins and Jeff Dixon shared the riches with Frank Raczka, Gary (Sparra) Cheers and Carol Cheers. Voucher winners were Dee Squires, Neil Dark, Trev Boyle, Kim Thompson, Frank “McGregor” Raczka and Rod Quirk.

Sparra used his jackpot winnings wisely, and had a few drinks to celebrate.

To further his fortune, while walking his dog, he fell into the creek and got thoroughly drenched and muddy.

When he got home, he discovered he’d caught a fish in his pants.

Talk about lucky!

What a fisherman!

The Flag Raising of the State Pennant will be held next Friday (19th July starting at 11:00).

Our AGM will be held on 11th August at 10am.

If you want to nominate for a position, please complete a form in the Club House.

This week sadly saw the funeral for Colleen Gemmell.

Our condolences go out to John, Dean and family.

Bowls this week include Wednesday Social and Saturday Cashpot Triples, names in by 11.30 for a 12.30 start mufti dress.


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