Kew-based karate students shine at nationals

(Front row) Isla Wilkinson, Polly Dhu, Isaac Salmon, Sempai Eric Millgate, (back row) Kellie Eggins, Sensei Shaun Budai and Sensei Anissa Hilton.

STUDENTS from Mid North Coast Karate recently showcased their talents at the Goshin Ryu Karate National Championships in Sydney.

Competing in both ‘kata’ and ‘kumite’ events, the students delivered impressive performances and brought home numerous accolades.

“I am extremely proud of each and every one of my students’ achievements,” said Sensei Anissa Hilton.

“They have all trained hard and their dedication has paid off with the tremendous results they all achieved.”

Sensei Shaun Budai placed first in Open Team Kata and third in Mens Open Kata.

Sensei Anissa Hilton placed first in Open Team Kata, second in Ladies Open Kata, second in Ladies Veterans Kata, and second in Ladies Veterans Kumite.

Sempai Sam Hilton placed second in the 15yr Male Kumite, third in Junior Open Kata, third in Junior Team Kata.

Sempai Jackson Smith placed first in Open Team Kata, while Kellie Eggins placed third in Ladies Kata.

Isaac Salmon placed first in 15/16yrs Kata, and Indy Cook placed second in the 14yr Female Kumite, third in Junior Team Kata and third in 14/15yr Kata.

Isla Wilkinson placed second in the 15/16yr Kata and third in the 16/17yr Female Kumite.

Polly Dhu placed third in Junior Team Kata.

“The Goshin Ryu Nationals are about many things, from being brave enough to step on the mat and have a go, to achieving a personal best,” said Sensei Hilton.

“Ultimately karate is about being the best you can be and every student who completed gave their all.”

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