Kendall teen’s prized ute found stripped and burnt out

AJ Ashton, 17, spent years rebuilding the 1972 Ford Falcon XA. Photos: supplied by AJ.

IT’S hard not to share Kelly Ashton’s response to his son AJ’s prized ute being found stripped and burnt out.

“Bastards” is what he calls the people responsible for stealing the rebuilt 1972 Ford Falcon XA.

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“Everyone is sick and tired of these thieves running wild and getting away with it,” he told the News Of The Area.

An RFS volunteer inadvertently found the trashed ute on Tuesday on a dirt track off Ross Glenn Road, south of Kew.

It had been stolen two weeks earlier from a garage on the family’s Kendall property – as they slept.

Also stolen was a 1984 Suzuki PE-175 and thousands of dollars worth of workshop tools.

AJ Ashton was just 12 when a mate of his dad’s let him have the ute.

It was a “total wreck” and had been sitting in a shed for 30 years.

AJ cut out the rust, learned how to panel beat and fitted a motor.

When the former Camden Haven High School student got his “L” plates earlier this year, the car was ready to register and hit the road.

Now 17 and a second year apprentice fitter and machinist at AE Gibson and Sons in Kendall, AJ is gutted.

But he’s happy to have his ute back.

“Looking at it, I’ll probably make it into a burnout car or something like that,” he told NOTA.

Rebuilding it for a second time won’t be easy.

Kelly said the thieves took the bonnet, driver’s side door, driving lights, grill, and front bumper, before setting it alight.

“Anthing is salvageable. But it’s not like losing a car and getting the insurance money,” Kelly said.

“This is a car with history.”

Mid North Coast Police went to the site to inspect what was left of the vehicle.

Anyone with information about the theft and where someone might be trying to sell the Suzuki or tools, is urged to contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.


The stolen Suzuki motorbike.

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