Kempsey Shire Council raises property rates by 7.9 percent

HOUSEHOLDS of Stuarts Point and the rest of Kempsey Shire will pay an average of $100 more annually in rates for the year commencing 1 July.

Kempsey Shire Council will raise property rates by 7.9 percent, a permanent increase that was previously approved in May by the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART).

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This is 3.2 percent higher than the already approved rate peg increase of 4.7 percent.

Kempsey Mayor Leo Hauville said the decision reflects a responsible balance of financial prudence and community need.

“We are living through challenging times and this difficult decision reflects the immediate concerns raised by our ratepayers and the need to generate increased income to secure our shire for future generations,” said Cr Hauville.

“Council too is facing many increasing costs in providing services to the Shire.

“We have deliberately set a lower increase in the coming year in recognition of the cost-of-living challenges faced by our community, and to give us time to achieve additional organisational savings.”

Council has been given permission to raise rates by a total of 24 percent over the next two years, including this rise of 7.9 percent by IPART, the NSW Government’s independent pricing regulator.

In June next year Councillors will decide on a possible fifteen percent increase to property rates in 2025-26.

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