Keeping funds local: Pink Silks supports CanDo Cancer Trust

Pink Silk Trust’s Craig Leece, Richard Hinton and co-founder Tanya Johnson OAM with CanDo Trust’s Chris Hines and Lydia Crossingham.

THE local CanDo Cancer Trust is the latest recipient of the Pink Silks Trust’s generosity, receiving a donation of $8000 from its Pink Silks Ladies Race Day.

In keeping with Tanya Johnson’s founding principle of supporting the local community, the funds will go directly towards assisting patients and families at the North Coast Cancer Institute.

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CanDo Cancer Trust Chairperson Julie Jardine, expressed her gratitude for the ongoing support of the Pink Silks Trust, which is now in its eighth year.

“We continue to assist over 120 new patients per year, with our annual support now exceeding $120,000,” she said.

“Donations like this from The Pink Silks Trust are essential in allowing us to provide practical assistance to those in need.

“Specifically, these funds contribute to the Brenda Johnson Memorial Fund for women attending the North Coast Cancer Institute.

“We are a volunteer-run organisation, meaning every dollar donated goes directly to supporting local cancer patients.”

Ms Johnson OAM reaffirmed her organisation’s commitment to making a tangible difference in the lives of women affected by cancer.

“The Pink Silks Trust is proud to support the CanDo Cancer Trust, knowing that our donation will directly benefit patients in our local community.

“Every year, we strive to raise much-needed funds through events like the Pink Silks Ladies Race Day, and it is rewarding to see the impact these contributions make.

“We commend the CanDo Cancer Trust for their dedication and incredible work in supporting those facing cancer,” she said.

The CanDo Cancer Trust relies solely on donations and fundraising events to continue its work in the community, in this case providing cancer patients on the North Coast with financial support during their treatment.

For more information about the CanDo Cancer Trust or to donate,, and for more information about the Pink Silks Trust visit


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