KCC Men’s Golf Report

Final qualification for 2024 playoffs.

IT SEEMED like we skipped spring and went straight to summer at KCC this week with Thursday’s temps rising to and above 30 degrees on a firming track. In the T Bones Premium Meats sponsored, single Stableford, Tony Gunning (C) found conditions to his liking and carded an impressive return of 44 points. A grade went to Greg Lee (40) and Tony Weston claimed B grade with 39.

Saturday’s event was a 2 ball multiplier, sponsored by Allan Property Group Monterey. Jake Westerhuis and Archie Stephens handled the tricky concept best with 73 points from Glen O’Brien and Bob Perry (70).

Meanwhile Saturday’s (in conjunction) singles, saw Gary Blanch surge into the Kew Corner Store Cup final qualification positions taking maximum points (100) with his 40 Stableford points.
Placings went to Archie Stephens and Mick Murray with 39 each.

So the regular season phase of the Kew Corner Store Cup is now complete and the 60 qualifiers move into the playoffs phase of the season-long race with the opportunity to share in a staggering $3,500 of prize money, generously provided by the Kew Corner Store’s sponsorship.

By Danny LLOYD

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