Karuah seeks logo ideas direct from its people

View the Karuah Place Plan for more information on the logo and Karuah’s development.

KARUAH’S Progress Association (KPA) is seeking ideas for a new town logo, helping to build town identity and recognition.

The peaceful village along the quiet shores of its namesake river has plenty of historical inspiration, starting with the Worimi, traditional custodians of Port Stephens, to the building of the bridge that was critical to the national highway for half a century.

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Many more stories wait to be told by the residents of today, and the KPA wants to include all facets of the community.

“You don’t have to submit a full-blown artwork, but ideas and concepts are good, and we will have a professional artist do the final version in the Karuah colours,” Marion Brown, from the KPA, told NOTA.

The colours are detailed in the ‘Karuah Place Plan’ (pages 20-21), consisting of earthy tones including yellow for the sand soil, green for the diverse and native vegetation, burnt-orange for the bright ochre used in traditional ceremonies, and, of course, a deep blue for the waters of the Karuah River.

“Karuah’s population is expanding, which in turn will influence our businesses, community and tourism, so a town logo is a symbol of our community’s identity, a visual image that can be easily understood and recognised,” Ms Brown explained.

The KPA seeks concepts that can communicate the community’s character and values, and the eventually chosen logo could be used in the Karuah Community website, newsletter, signage, community groups, businesses, t-shirts, stickers and other memorabilia.

The shortlist will contain those ideas that consider the town’s heritage and diverse population, has a timelessness and versatility, including being clearly understood in monochrome as well as the Karuah colours.

Ideally, it should be readily identifiable, scalable to large or small media, and following the golden rule: that a simple is memorable.

The KPA asks that all ideas be submitted to the Progress Association by 31 October 2023, via arnika99@outlook.com, or delivered to the Karuah Community Centre.

By Thomas O’KEEFE

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