Karuah RSL and Sub Branch celebrate Christmas

Trevor Davies, Sub Branch Vice President, Kate Washington, State Member for Port Stephens and Garry Roworth, RSL Club Vice President.

FRIDAY afternoon, December 16, saw the Karuah RSL Vice Presidents Committee swing into action, welcoming Member for Port Stephens Kate Washington to the Club’s RSL Sub Branch Christmas function.

The Vice President of the Club, Garry Roworth, and Vice President of the Sub Branch, Trevor Davies, jointly welcomed and hosted the State Member to the annual Sub Branch Christmas lunch.

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“The annual lunch was a chance for the Sub Branch members and their partners to meet and celebrate Christmas at the Club with invited friends of the club as guests in a non-formal environment,” said Gary Roworth.

The event, hosted by Sub Branch President Peter Fidden, saw him surprised with the awarding of a certificate of Life Membership of the NSW RSL by Kate Washington.

Peter proudly received the well deserved honour in front of his sons, who were present at the lunch and in the process of heading down to Sydney with Peter for Christmas.

Kate Washington detailed Peter’s long membership of the NSW RSL and his holding of numerous leadership positions and his faithful service on numerous significant leadership and policy development RSL committees in that time, saying “it was a well deserved and well due honour”.

Karuah RSL Sub Branch prides itself on its, and the whole of the NSW RSL’s, work in commemorating the service of Australians in the armed forces across their whole history.

While not formally a part of the Karuah RSL Club, the Sub Branch has always been associated with the RSL Club.

The recently appointed new General Manager of the RSL Club, Chris Fraser, was also a guest at the lunch and joined Kate in congratulating Peter on his award of Life Membership of the NSW RSL.

“Both the RSL Sub Branch and the RSL Club were very proud of Peter’s achievements,” Chris said.

“The RSL Club is very happy to both sponsor and foster the Sub Branch’s work within the Karuah and District areas.”

The Sub Branch, as well as commemorating local and national service Defence Force achievements, also fosters and assists serving and ex-serving men and women transitioning back into civilian life.

Welfare and support for serving and ex serving members, both Sub Branch and non Sub Branch Members, is their focus and their ongoing mission.

Sub Branch Vice President Trevor Davies said, “Any serving or ex-serving ADF members or associated ADF staff are welcome to visit the Sub Branch activities and would be supported warmly in their move back into civilian life by a group of ex-serving men and women who are all too familiar with the challenges they faced.”

A quick phone call to the Karuah RSL Club can put you in contact with the Karuah RSL Sub Branch who are standing by to provide support.

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