Karuah Kids and families clean up their town

Several kids came down to Longworth Park to help clean up the riverside.

KARUAH residents rolled up their sleeves to help the environment during Clean Up Australia Day on 2 March.

“A total of 28 volunteers turned out to assist the clean-up, among them several families who brought their kids along to help,” Cheryl Crotty, from the local Landcare and Karuah Progress Association, told News Of The Area.

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“We spread out across town targeting Longworth Park, Memorial Park, Aliceton Reserve, the Karuah Wetlands and Tarean Road.”

Around 27 bags of rubbish were collected, proving that these kinds of local, grassroots efforts are still necessary.

Most of the rubbish fell into one of two main categories: roadside litter, and pollution washed towards the Karuah River in recent rains.

“One group focused their efforts on cleaning up the sticks and flood debris at the swimming area,” Cheryl said.

“There were bits of plastic packaging; it all blows towards the river and into it. And all the run-off through the nearby wetlands washes into the river with heavy rains.”

“We saw lots of cigarette butts, plastic packaging, bottles, food packaging, and larger items including tyres, a bike and a barbecue.”

The volunteers were not authorised to clean up on or around the highway access ramps, especially coming into town from the south, due to legal and safety concerns.

“We have asked Port Stephens Council to assist in cleaning up the offramp, because there is a lot there that needs dire attention.

“All of the volunteers put in a great effort on a hot morning and the town looks so much better.”

According to eyewitness accounts, the wetlands and Tarean Road were the worst polluted.

This suggests that much of the litter comes from passers-through, or is the result of illegal dumping.

Karuah’s Landcare groups are now hopeful of winning a grant to help them restore some of the weedy area at Longworth Park.

By Thomas O’KEEFE

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