Karen Murphy at Karuah to assist bowlers

Karen Murphy (centre on 1 knee) and a selection of the Karuah bowlers improving their game.
Karen Murphy (centre on 1 knee) and a selection of the Karuah bowlers improving their game.

Karuah RSL Men’s Bowls Club

Karen Murphy, an Australian Representative bowler in over 600 games, including 5 Commonwealth Games and 5 World Championships, taught Karuah bowlers some of her secrets to success.

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Kim Post, who organised the visit, said, “Karen is a wonderful communicator as well as a skilful coach, we all learned a lot during her visit,”

Karen who has played at the absolute top level of international bowls, stressed that while a physical sport, the “Zen” of Lawn Bowling was as important as the physical elements of the sport.

A fierce competitor during her career, she stressed that the ability to focus, exercise self control, display a positive body language and show mental toughness was as important as having the game skills on the green. She gave many examples where these qualities contributed to winning team cultures at the very highest levels and how those attending could incorporate them into their game and club.

An ‘On the green skills’ workshop followed and all attendees got to bowl for Karen and receive tips on style and technique.

This fun session saw all involved gain valuable improvements in their game.

Sam Rees, Men’s Club President said, “Speaking and playing with an international champion cannot help but improve your game both mentally and physically, it was great to meet the person behind the reputation, we were all very impressed by her and benefited greatly from her input.”


By Trevor DAVIES

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