Junior referees make their mark in Hasting Rugby League

Izaac Gaskin-Hogan before his first senior rugby league game.

AS the pivotal stage of the Hasting Rugby League competition draws closer, stakes and emotions are heightened, leading to an increased scrutiny on the officials tasked with upholding the integrity of the game.

Group 3 JRL President Warren Blissett has highlighted the league’s junior referees for stepping up and taking charge.

“This year, a total of 44 dedicated young referees, both male and female, have officiated matches, representing every club in the league,” Blissett told NOTA.

“This showcase of diversity and unity within the Hasting League speaks to the inclusive nature of the sport and the opportunities it provides for young individuals to learn and grow.”

Mr Blissett said the standard of refereeing has been “commendable” this season, which he attributes to the “mentorship and coaching initiatives” offered by the league.

This includes a program introduced by former NRL referee Ricky McFarlane.

“His program simulates real game situations and scenarios and this has been a huge help in nurturing the development of our young referees, equipping them with the skills and confidence needed to excel in their roles on the field,” Blissett said.

One rising star in local refereeing circles is Izaac Gaskin-Hogan, who recently stepped into the middle for his first senior game.

“I felt nervous before I went on, but it was sweet and I can’t wait to referee more senior games,” he said.

Darby Moore, another talented junior referee, said he had always wanted to pursue refereeing.

“I have always wanted to referee, ever since I was a little kid.

“I’m really keen on it.”


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