Join the Community Conversation at the Tea Gardens Baptist Church

MidCoast Mayor Claire Pontin, pictured here with Deputy Mayor Alan Tickle, is inviting community members to engage with Council in conversation on Thursday evening.


MIDCOAST Mayor Claire Pontin is inviting all local residents to attend MidCoast Council’s Community Conversation program, coming to the Tea Gardens Baptist Church on Thursday 12 May, from 6-8pm.

Council staff and Councillors will meet with locals to discuss community priorities, provide updates on local projects and answer questions.

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“We recognise that what’s important in one community will be different in another, and our aim through these sessions is to provide a platform for open dialogue that helps us drill down at a very local level,” Mayor Claire Pontin said.

The conversation will provide the community with an opportunity to share their concerns, ask questions and table ideas.

“We are also encouraging community members to register a topic of interest before they attend, this will allow us to ensure we have all the information on hand that matters most to your particular community,” Mayor Pontin said.

Future Community Conversations will be held in Stroud, Bulahdelah, and other locations across the MidCoast LGA.

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