John Alterator, Hawks Nest, reply to Dr David Gillespie story about Power Usage



Dear News Of The Area,

I READ in News of the Area (Myall Coast News Of The Area, 21/3 “Gillespie on Power”) that the sitting National Party member for Lynne, Dr David Gillespie made an impromptu visit to Tea Gardens to have an informal lunch with community leaders as regards Power.

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Apparently the cost of Electricity was discussed,but,I see no mention of the outrageous Supply Access Charge(SAC) that we Essential Energy, or Country consumers pay. 4/5 of NSW is an Essential Energy Area which is owned by the NSW Govt.and we pay $1.82/day SAC.Yes,$1.82/day compared to our City (Ausgrid) consumers of 84c/day.We pay TWICE the amount.

Of course we have the same argument trotted out, that this is due to the vastness of maintaining the Poles and Wires.

Queensland is twice as large as NSW and they only pay 90c/day,regardless of where you live.

If Mr Gillespie is serious about reducing Electricity costs ,here is the place to start.One would think that, they, the National Party would be working to have Country costs reduced for all.

It is absolutely ridiculous that, if you live in Karuah you enjoy the reduced SAC,but,when you cross the Karuah River, the SAC more than doubles.

Furthermore, the Electricity Usage Rate is more as well.

Currently, there are numerous Solar and Wind Farms being established in Country Areas, and we are sending this power back to the Cities on Poles and Wires paid for by us Country folk, so as City(Ausgrid) consumers can enjoy cheaper power.

John Alterator
Hawks Nest

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