Jeanette Hart Tea Gardens, seen here creating from the comfort of her bed and inspired by some artwork

Creating a fun little booklet with dead flies.


Dear News Of The Area,

COVID-19 despite, or perhaps because of its restrictions, has brought out the best in some of our local U3A art community.

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Jeanette Hart, seen here creating from the comfort of her bed and inspired by some artwork she spotted on Facebook, became a ‘dead fly collector’ and is busy creating a fun little booklet, picturing daily life in a fly community.

She’s deriving great fun from this exercise, especially as it allows her to work from her bed, to which she is usually confined for many hours a day due to an incapacitating work injury she sustained some years ago.

Admirably she is not letting this unfortunate fate define her but instead is finding new purpose in amazing creativity.

No flies on that lady!!!

Sonja Ridden
Myall U3A


Creating a fun little booklet with dead flies.

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