Jaydah Cassar Year 4 Bulahdelah Central School write about Great Aussie Bush Camp

Kai Harvey (Year 3).


RECENTLY Years 3/4 went to the Great Aussie Bush Camp for 3 days. Before we went, we wrote what we thought would happen at camp. It was a half an hour drive.

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When we got there we got settled into our cabins and made our beds. I was in a cabin with Scarlet, Salome, Lasey and Nikita. Then, we met our instructors, my instructor’s name was Clayton.

After we got settled, into our cabins we went to do our first activity. Our first activity was the dual flying fox. Dual means two so that means you got to go with a partner. My partner was Scarlet for the whole day.

The dual flying fox was so much fun. I went two times and wanted to go again. The flying fox went over a lake and the lake was called Lake Ivan.

After that Clayton took us to get afternoon tea. For afternoon tea we had snow cones, but Clayton threw ice at me two times.

After, Clayton took us over to do pioneering. First we had to make a stretcher for Charlize to lay on. It was girl’s vs boy’s and Clayton helped the girls because we had less people. When we had finished building the stretcher we had to make a sling shot.

After pioneering we had dinner. For dinner we had spaghetti bolognese. Then we went to have a rest.

After our rest we played commando spotlight. I was a little scared because it was in the bush. I got to be in a group with Salome, Scarlet and Lasey. When we were so close to getting a glow stick Mr Pye would spot us.

After commando spotlight, Clayton put on a fire show where he put a sword on fire and threw it in the air. Then we went to sleep. Nikita would not stop talking.

On Thursday morning we had to wake up at 7:00am. For breakfast we had pancakes with toast.

Our first activity was canoeing. When we got there we had to pull out the canoes and choose who we where going to share with. In my canoe it was Nikita, Salome and me. We played a game were we had to collect balls then threw them into Clayton’s canoe.

Then, we went to do rock climbing. Lasey went first and almost made it to the top. It was Scarlet’s turn next and she made it just past halfway. Nikita was next and she made it to almost halfway. Then it was my turn, I almost made it to the top.

After rock climbing we had sandwiches for lunch. We got to choose what we wanted on them.

After lunch we did archery. I wasn’t very good, but I still tried.

After afternoon tea we went to high ropes. We got to choose a partner and my partner was Salome. I went first and at the start I was a little scared.

When we did it we wore a harness and that got hooked up on to the top. After the walking on ropes we did a zip-line. Then it was Salome’s turn, she didn’t fall off, but she almost did.

After dinner we did the country fair. I got to run the milkshake stand.

On Friday, after breakfast, we went on the giant swing. I went second and it was so much fun! To get up the whole class had to pull a rope. When you wanted to drop you had to pull a little orange rope. As soon as you pull the rope you drop straight away. When you drop you swing backwards and forwards a couple of times.

After afternoon tea we did bush craft. There was eight people in my group. First I did building then I made a fire.

After lunch it was time for home.


By Jaydah CASSAR – Year 4


Logan Bailey (Year 3), Kai Harvey (Year 3).


Indie Hope (Year 3).


Front: Shavenah Reid, Middle: Mindy Sullivan, Back: Alexis King (All Year 3).

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