Jake Cassar brings Native and Edible Medicinal Plants workshop to Bellingen

Jake Cassar – passionate environmentalist and bushcraft teacher.


BUSHCRAFT teacher and environmental vocalist, Jake Cassar is bringing his Native and Edible Medicinal Plants crash course to Bellingen in September.

The passionate environmentalist is driven by an urgency to educate people on taking action and doing rather than just talking about a connection with nature.

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“My goal in these workshops is to inspire people, especially young ones, to move away from tokenism and towards becoming custodians of the land; to take action and learn how to live with and off the land sustainably,” Jake told News Of The Area.

“They’ll learn what they can eat in the bush; the focus for this course is predominantly plant-based.

“Australia’s got rich and diverse flora and native superfoods such as the yam, which is full of vitamin C.

“Bush food does incredible things to your body,” said Jake.

“I eat vitamins A to K off the land; when I go into the bush, I lose excess weight and my skin changes…people do a double-take…one reason is eating the Illawarra Plum which is four times higher in antioxidants than blueberries, and we can eat it straight from the tree.”

Conversation through the course will cover ways people can forge a mutually beneficial relationship with the land, valuing nature and fresh water.

“This is not fluffy new-age, this is about hard work, discipline and sacrifice to create a resilient, kinder community; working with Aboriginal elders to create a mutually beneficial relationship with the land and its inhabitants.

“The bush was a real saviour to me in my colourful youth which is why I have a passion to take my work out to young people especially.”

Jake will run a 1.5 hour presentation followed by a bushwalk on the beautiful and diverse lands at Shambaba Retreat (The Old Satyananda Ashram).

Check out Jake’s Facebook page for more: Jake Cassar Official.

The organisers advise that it is very important to bring a notepad and pen to get the maximum benefit and retention of this shared knowledge.

Bookings: https://www.trybooking.com/BPQPL.




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