Jagun Aged Care gets funding for a new shed

Member for Coffs Harbour Gurmesh Singh joined the Jagun Aged and Community Care residents to celebrate the funding news.

JAGUN Aged and Community Care in Moonee Beach has received $95,000 through the NSW Government’s Community and Place funding program.

The Jagun Yilldaan (Homeland Sacred Pathway) project includes the construction of an 80 sqm shed to enable undercover events, group sessions, training sessions, meetings and cultural services for the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community.

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“When the shed is not being used for these purposes, it will be utilised to provide undercover car parking for vehicles to prevent hail or storm damage,” Program Manager Simone Perkins told News Of The Area.

The funding also includes the purchase of two motor vehicles to support client service delivery.

“One vehicle will be purchased from Geoff King Motors, with the second on being sourced by Dealers Direct Coffs Harbour,” said Simone.

Member for Coffs Harbour Gurmesh Singh met with Managing Director of Jagun Aged and Community Care, Uncle Tony Perkins and Program Manager, Simone Perkins at the facility on Tuesday 28 February.

Mr Singh congratulated the team at Jagun on the important work they are doing in the community.

“I’m delighted Jagun Aged and Community Care can now get on with these important improvements at their Moonee facility,” he said.

Standing on the proposed site for the new building Simone told NOTA, “The land of Jagun was selected by Elders no longer with us.

“The sacred pathway of our cultural father Yuludarla and mother Mimi Gawnggan crosses Jagun land.

“Gumbaynggirr creation storylines must live on.

“Jagun project will ensure this dream is fulfilled.”

Minister for Aboriginal Affairs Ben Franklin said the Community and Place funding program is delivering benefits to local Aboriginal communities.

“This is a terrific and unique program that will put important funding in the hands of Aboriginal groups who best know how to bring about improvements and opportunities for their community,” Mr Franklin said.

“The Liberal and Nationals Government knows that by investing in local community initiatives we will significantly increase the likelihood of NSW achieving our targets under the National Agreement on Closing the Gap.”

For more information on the Community and Place grant program, visit the Aboriginal Affairs NSW website.

Work starts in May 2023 with North Coast Shed Market as the main contractor.


Jagun Aged and Community Care residents, with Managing Director Uncle Tony, Program Manager Simone Perkins and Member for Coffs Harbour Gurmesh Singh.

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