Initiative to address shortage of homes for regional health workers

Homes for Health members join forces to find housing solutions for health workers.

BELLINGEN advocacy group Housing Matters is inviting local residents to attend the upcoming launch of “Homes for Health”.

The initiative aims to find a community-driven solution to the urgent housing crisis affecting healthcare workers in Bellingen and Dorrigo and is a collaboration between three local bodies; the Bellinger Shire Council, Bellinger Health Action Group (BHAG), and Housing Matters Action Group (HMAG).

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At a public housing forum in Bellingen last September, the Housing Matters Action Group highlighted how the housing affordability issue was making it almost impossible to recruit and retain healthcare workers.

At that time, fourteen hospital beds were identified as being closed due to staffing shortages.

Executive Kerry Pearse flagged that this had the potential to seriously impact the long-term viability of hospital services in the region.

Now, there are 16 hospital beds closed across the Bellingen and Dorrigo region and with no solution in sight, staff shortages can only get worse.

Recognising the pressing need for collaborative action, Bellingen Shire Council Mayor Steve Allan facilitated the partnership between HMAG and BHAG.

“Rural and regional communities everywhere are facing threats to their healthcare services, but here in Bellingen Shire, we believe we can lead the way with a community-driven solution,” Cr Allan said.

“We need homes for our nurses and health workers, and together, we can make it happen.”

HMAG has been a driving force in securing local affordable housing since establishing in 2017.

Through community-led action and collaboration, it recently delivered affordable housing units for older, single women at risk of homelessness.

BHAG has been working to strengthen hospitals in the region since 2009, including advocating around recent bed closures at both Bellingen and Dorrigo hospitals.

It made sense to the three organisations to join forces on this issue.

The launch event will outline how residents can play a part and will canvas ideas on short, medium and long-term solutions; spanning community responses such as homestays, all the way to commercial partnerships with developers and real estate agents.

This free community event is on Sunday 2 March at Bellingen Memorial Hall, from 10am to 12pm.

To book, email or call 0494 331 821.


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