Inaugural commemoration service honours Middle East veterans

Many in the community came to pay their respects.

AT 11 am on Thursday 11 July, members of the public gathered at Laurie Memorial Park with the local veterans community to participate in the inaugural Middle East Area of Operations (MEAO) commemoration service.

This solemn event was held to recognise and remember the brave men and women of Australia’s armed forces who participated in various campaigns in the Middle East following the 9/11 terrorist attacks in America in 2001.

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Laurieton RSL sub-Branch President Allan ‘Buster’ Beatty served as the Master of Ceremonies for the service.

Mr Beatty, who served in the Middle East in 2006, highlighted the importance of such commemorations.

“It is important that we never lose sight of the significance of these commemoration services.

“Australia has had long-running involvements in both Iraq and Afghanistan.

“Over the span of 20 years, more than 40,000 Australian Defence Force personnel have served in or directly supported these operations since 2001.”

The service paid special tribute to the 43 servicemen who did not return home and acknowledged the many others who continue to face physical and mental challenges resulting from their service.

As the Middle East conflict stands as Australia’s longest war, it holds significant historical and emotional weight.

The main address was delivered by Sergeant Joshua Thomas of the Land Warfare Centre North Queensland, who eloquently honoured the sacrifices and contributions of his fellow servicemen and women.

During the service, Jason Gill, President of the Port Macquarie RSL sub-Branch, read the MEAO Honour Roll, a poignant reminder of the 43 servicemen who lost their lives in the conflict.

The atmosphere was further heightened by piper Keith Robinson, whose performance accompanied the laying of wreaths on the cenotaph.

The ceremony concluded with bugler Ian Franks performing the Last Post and Rouse, a traditional and moving tribute.

Following the service, attendees were invited to join the RSL sub-Branch for refreshments at Laurieton United Services Club, encouraging community and support among those who gathered to honour Australia’s armed forces.

This inaugural commemoration marks a significant step in acknowledging and remembering the sacrifices made by Australia’s military personnel in the Middle East, ensuring that their service and dedication are never forgotten.


Wreaths laid at the cenotaph at Laurie Memorial Park.

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