Inaugural Anderson Art Awards presented by Kim Blunt at Galleries in the Gardens

Kim Blunt, Senior Curator for Maitland Regional Art Gallery, Lee Anderson, Anne Stuart, and Ian Morphett.

ART united hundreds in Tea Gardens for the Galleries in the Gardens’ inaugural Anderson Art Award on Friday 14 April.

“The Award honours the amazing generosity of Lee and Rob Anderson to the local Arts, including their purchase of the house on Marine Drive six years ago to give the Galleries a home,” Anne Stuart, who heads the Galleries’ curatorial team, told NOTA.

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“Rob had suggested an award, open to all, bringing new art to the community to make the Galleries more inclusive and, although he passed three months ago, he would be thrilled with the outcome,” Lee Anderson declared to the large outdoor crowd.

“Art creates debate, raises awareness, and a local gallery is an opportunity to unite the community,” added Ms Anderson, who thanked Ian Morphett, exhibition coordinator, for his hard work in making the Award a reality.

“Things started slowly after we announced last December, but eventually the entries came flooding in, with 147 entries from 85 artists, two thirds of whom were non-members of the Galleries,” Mr Morphett announced.

The exhibition ran ‘2D’ (paintings, photography and sketches), and ‘3D’ (sculptures and installations) prizes, with 100 and 47 entries, respectively, the winners sharing $7000 prize money, raised by local sponsors.

As guests enjoyed catering by Seagrass Café, the unenviable task of choosing just four winners from 147 fell to Kim Blunt, Senior Curator from the Maitland Regional Art Gallery (MRAG).

“Awards like these are gateways for many new artists, and I thank the Galleries for keeping art and culture alive,” Ms Blunt told the attendees.

Kim’s words follow:

Julia Ross’ Stuck! The Myall River (2D winner) “quietly captured a moment that for many might otherwise go unnoticed”, while Emille Tseronis’ The Ages (2D Highly Commended) was “stylistically interesting, experimental, with minimal pallet and restraint”.

Jannette Bickely’s The Wedding (3D winner) had “exquisite, Sgraffito technique that keeps the artist present in the work, makes the patterns divine” while Helen Jackson’s Earthflow (3D Highly Commended) “showed stark contrast with other entries.”

By Thomas O’KEEFE

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