Hunter River and Irrawang high schools major upgrades Port POPUP - DAupdate Port Stephens Port Stephens News by News Of The Area - Modern Media - April 3, 2024 Artist’s impression: Irrawang High School new Learning Hub. PORT Stephens high school students are set to receive a significant boost as both Hunter River High School and Irrawang High School have Development Applications approved for major school upgrades. The upgrade at Hunter River High School will deliver a new learning hub with eight new support classrooms, a new double-height gymnasium, a new administration building, renovations to existing buildings and classrooms, an upgraded outdoor area, as well as improved parking and drop-off and pick up area. Advertise with News of The Area today. It’s worth it for your business. Message us. Phone us – (02) 4981 8882. Email us – The Irrawang High School upgrade will also deliver a new learning hub with eight new general classrooms and six support classrooms, an expansion and refurbishment of the library, a new school entry and a new support student drop-off and pick-up area. This comes as planning work is continuing for the new public high school for Medowie. Member for Port Stephens Kate Washington said, “These desperately needed upgrades will complement the new public high school for Medowie, for which planning is well underway.” “Our community is so excited that the Hunter River High School and Irrawang High School upgrades have finally got the green light and are getting underway,” Ms Washington said. These major upgrade projects are part of the plan to rebuild education infrastructure in NSW, with the 2023-24 Budget delivering a historic $1.4 billion for new and upgraded schools in regional NSW. Site establishment works are now underway at both schools, in preparation for construction to start in the coming weeks. Both school upgrades are on track for completion in early 2025. Deputy Premier and Minister for Education and Early Learning Prue Car said, “I am delighted works are getting underway on major school upgrades for students and families from Hunter River and Irrawang high schools.” “Students deserve to learn in high quality facilities, and it is fantastic to see these long-awaited projects making progress.” Artist’s impression: Hunter River High School drop off and pick up. Artist’s impression: Irrawang High School new front entry. Artist’s impression: Hunter River High School Inside gym. Artist’s impression: Hunter River High School new sports fields.