Hunt and Brownlie do Nambucca Bowling Club proud

Graham Hunt and Chris Brownlie, Nambucca Heads Bowling Club Pairs Champions.


IT was another busy week for Nambucca Heads bowlers, which saw players cover more ground than the early explorers.

On Wednesday 4 August, a smaller than usual number of players turned out for club selected triples.

Only 26 players were on the green and it would’ve been more, had the over 50’s not been on the previous day, as numerous players were left nursing hangovers.

The winners for the day were Stan Flack, Peter wide bowls Wallis and Bruce Mason.

Second place went to Eliza Brown, Ken Brown and Ken Rostron.

Third place went to Maurie Roberts, Billy the bookies pal Blair and Grant Lawrence.

The lucky losers were Jan Brown, Don Dollar Lean and Darren Jones, who has recently come back to play at Nambucca.

The lucky bowler was Eliza Brown who won $15 but couldn’t win the jackpot of $240.

Friday 6 August attracted 60 bowlers, mainly due to the fact that Bob ‘Ramjet’ Sutton was on the cards and in charge.

I’d like to say that Bob had most things under control, except for spilling a full beer over the table and everything else.

Thanks Bob.

The winners for the day were Paul Pushbike Michel, Terry Harvey, Terry Snowden and Fred Glasson.

Second place went to Bill Miernik, John Penguin Stewart and Mighty Mick Audsley.

Third place went to Mike Ryan, David Moore, Peter Fredericks and Billy ‘the bookies pal’ Blair.

The lucky losers for the day were Ian ‘take grass’ Blain, Billy Blackford, Aaron ‘Thongs’ Cedelland and ‘Lucky’ Laurie Summers.

The lucky bowler was Charlie ‘Harry’ Potter, unfortunately his magic wand wasn’t working and couldn’t get the jackpot of $180.

On Saturday 7 August the first round of the minor singles were held, and it appeared most of these players were in a race to get off the green. Dennis Graham 31 def Syd Campton 13, Johnny Reynolds 31 def Gary Tierney 12, Fred Glasson 31 def Mick ‘off’ Targett 10 and Peter Dawe 31 def Owen Smith 21, in a game that gave the crowd their money’s worth and entertainment for the afternoon.

On Sunday 8 August the second round of the minor singles saw plenty of close games and the highly anticipated match between Paul CEO Coulton and Tommy ‘Turbo’ Reynolds.

Tommy ‘Turbo’ Reynolds had all the answers early on and it looked like it would be an early day after he flew out to a 11-2 lead.

Paul CEO Coulton had other ideas and wasn’t going to let Tommy Turbo get away with it that easily.

Both players played great bowls and Paul managed to continually claw back the margin and after a while it was 21 all.

In an entertaining game that would’ve packed the Sydney Cricket Ground, Paul eventually came away with the victory 31 – 26.

Other games saw the bookies favourite Johnny ‘Rowdy’ Reynolds 31 def Dennis Graham 21, Fred Glasson prevail in a close game against Peter knock knock Dawe 31 – 24, Aaron Thongs Cedelland 31 def Billy Blair 22 in a close encounter, Tony Stokes 31 def ‘Dynamite’ Dallas Nancarrow 19, Bill ‘Mangroves’ Coughlan 31 def Shaun Smith 21 in a brilliant game which left both players guessing at times, mainly due to the wrong calls by the special guest marker, and Adam ‘the Terminator’ Rostron 31 def John Richardson 20, showing that he can get rid of more than just ants, termites and other pests.

Special mention goes to Graham ‘the good brother’ Hunt and Chris Brownlie who put up a tremendous effort at the championship of club champion pairs.

After defeating Urunga on Saturday in a thrilling match 19 – 17, they came up against Westport who were the favourites to win the tournament.

Westport had Peter Taylor, who has won more state titles than Phar Lap had started.

The Nambucca men got off to a solid start, but after 8 ends were down 13 – 2 and were going to be facing a mammoth task to win from here.

Graham and Chris knuckled down and showed their class, and through brilliant bowls got the score back to 14 – 12 after 16 ends.

With the wind behind their backs, and the momentum on their side, the Nambucca duo forged ahead 18 – 14 and a big win loomed.

However, Taylor and his partner claimed the last two ends and picked up 4 shots and in the process forced an extra end. Unfortunately, the Westport team picked up 1 shot and the win.

Graham and Chris put in a great effort and showed plenty of determination, played excellent bowls and represented the club to the highest level.

A reminder to everyone that Wednesday Club selected triples start at 1pm and names are to be in by no later than 11.30am.

Club selected triples is a great day to get along with fun for everyone, especially newer bowlers and those that are happy to mix and play with different people which is always fun and entertaining.

This week is another busy week with club selected triples on Wednesday, nominated fours / triples on Friday at 1pm, the quarter finals of the minor singles on Saturday at 1pm and the semi final of the minor singles on Sunday at 1pm.

Also, next weekend sees Ken Darcy Rostron travel to South West Rocks for the championship of club champion singles.

We wish Darcy the best of luck.


By Angry’s CORNER

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