Housing and climate top Greens Regional Forum in Coffs Harbour

The Greens say they will keep fighting for affordable housing and the planet. Photo: supplied.

MORE than 50 community members attended the Greens Regional Forum held in Coffs Harbour this week, including teachers, farmers and nurses.

Housing affordability and climate change were the top issues raised at the meeting, where Federal Greens Senator David Shoebridge and NSW MLC Sue Higginson heard a range of community concerns about issues facing the Mid North Coast.

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“It was an excellent opportunity to come together with local, State and Federal Greens representatives to work on the future of the Mid North Coast,” Greens Senator David Shoebridge said.

“Too often regional voices are lost in the noise and vested interests that dominate parliaments in Canberra and Sydney, so hearing directly about local priorities and needs is really essential.

“Housing, climate, cost of living and health care were topics that kept coming up and clearly need to be tackled by the Federal Government and I’ll be taking that message back to the Greens party room.”

Senator Shoebridge said he relished the opportunity to be in the area.

“Being able to fit in a Greens bushwalking trip on the End Peak walk and be with friends amongst ancient forests was a bonus.”

Greens MP and spokesperson for the Mid North Coast Sue Higginson said, “This forum was a fantastic opportunity for people like myself to genuinely get to hear first-hand what people really want the Greens to be campaigning on.

“As leaders in social and environmental justice, the Greens are determined to support the community of the Mid North Coast both strategically and collaboratively on the issues that affect them.”

City of Coffs Harbour councillor Jonathan Cassell, who organised the forum, said, “The Regional Forum was a fantastic success and one that covered a range of issues concerning our Mid North Coast community.

“It’s great that we can have a public forum such as this that welcomed people from our region to come and have their say.

“The Greens are a grassroots driven party and it’s great we have parliamentary leaders who come and listen to the needs of our area.

“The Coffs Harbour Greens welcome anyone interested to know more about our group or have any questions about NSW Greens policies to send an email to email@coffsgreens.org.”

By Andrew VIVIAN

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