Home-made cheeses coming to life in Dorrigo

Tim and Jess getting a reputation for yummy raclette on potatoes at local markets.


CHEESE made in Dorrigo will be a reality thanks to the town’s new business Wellstein Cheese Co.

“It’s just when, that’s in the balance.”

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Co-founders, Jess Holstein and Tim Wellham have launched a Kickstarter campaign and have reached 38% of their goal (around $17,000) and have 26 days to raise another $28,000.

“If the Kickstarter campaign is successful, we can start making cheese this year,” Jess told News Of The Area.

“Kickstarter is an all-or-nothing model; if we don’t reach the $45,000 goal, we receive nothing and will have to try again next year.”

They registered the company earlier this year, having settled in Dorrigo.

“It has some of the best milk in the country and just felt right.”

Tim added, “I fell in love with Dorrigo the first time when I was on a bus driving down Waterfall Way, the views of the rainforest and the coast were just amazing.”

After getting involved in cheese-making and the dairy industry in Australia (Tasmania) and Germany, the pair thought lots about Dorrigo, how great the country is for dairy, and couldn’t believe there was no cheese made there.

Starting as they mean to build their new business, their ethics and values see an importance in using local, fresh and high-quality milk from happy cows.

“We will build our facility on our friends’ dairy farm and source our milk from their cows.

“They have a beautiful dairy herd with mostly Jerseys and a few Ayershires, grazing on lush pastures.

“We will start with soft cheeses like Camemberts, washed rinds and slow set cheeses similar to Brillat Savarin.

“We are making cheese the traditional way, by hand, taking our time and focusing on quality not quantity.

“We are excited to incorporate local flavours into traditional recipes like local Dorrigo pepper and want to team up with goat’s milk from a local lady for a special edition mixed-milk cheese.

“Later on, we want to make mountain cheeses similar to the Raclette we are using at our market stall.”

To support the Wellstein Kickstarter see: www.wellsteincheese.co.




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