Hockey Coffs Coast scores $440,000 grant to design and build stage two of hockey complex upgrade

Member for Coffs Harbour Gurmesh Singh at Monday’s Hockey Coffs Coast announcement with (from left) board member Glenn Gallatly, Secretary Debbie Baldwin and President Graham Robinson. Photo: David Tune.


ON Monday 19 July, Member for Coffs Harbour Gurmesh Singh congratulated Coffs Coast Hockey on being awarded $440,000 to progress with stage two of the Hockey Complex upgrade at Stadium Drive.

Stage one of the developments saw the opening of the new canteen and clubhouse building in October last year, and it is anticipated that work on stage two will commence around November this year.

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The new building will include two new change rooms with toilets and showers, as well as an official’s room, with all areas fully accessible.

Association President Mr Graham Robinson told News Of The Area, “These facilities will allow for greater female participation and will also upgrade to current ‘Safer by Design’ standards.”

The Hockey Association currently has about 550 players ranging in age from four to eighty-three.

Detailed planning for the new building will commence soon.

Stage three of the Hockey Complex Upgrade will encompass provision of a dedicated car park for the grounds, and Stage four is the eventual provision of a second turf playing surface.

Mr Singh said of the project, “I congratulate Hockey Coffs Coast on their successful application which will result in improved sporting infrastructure for our community.

“This important project, which complements the existing clubroom and canteen, will deliver female-friendly change rooms to provide for player, officials and spectator comfort.”

The funding comes from the State Government Regional Sport Facility Fund, which is designed to promote improved health and wellbeing, and create a construction boom across regional NSW.

For more information on the fund, go to


By David TUNE

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